Emergency Preparedness!
I am a big believer in being prepared! When I was growing up in Virginia, my parents always prepared for hard times and emergencies like storms, power outages and financial crisis.
My parents were both born in the 1920's and lived through the depression, WW2 and many other dark times.
I also remember my Boy Scout days and the motto of "Be Prepared"!
On this page I plan on putting links to supplies and web sites I have used in my emergency preparedness planning.
I also hope to develop more emergency preparedness material soon... Didn't find what you were looking for? Please check back again soon!
Emergency Preparedness Related Links:
Patriot Supply - Freeze Dried Food and more!
Be Prepared! Emergency Essentials!
EMPSHIELD - Protect your electrical and electronic equipment from EMP and CME (Solar Flare) damage!
G95.com - Supplier of N95 rated scarves, masks, clothing and accessories!
American Radio Relay League - ARRL - Amatuer Radio
Arthur Bradley's Emergency Prepardness Site